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Freedom Hunt Outdoor Club 

Updated: Jul 3, 2023


James Revercomb Building, Board Room

10459 Courthouse Drive

King George, VA 22485-2248

Freedom Hunt Outdoor Club will be great addition to the region, but not without our support. As a campground with outdoor shooting range, it will offer a safe place to camp and enjoy the shooting sports.

Just a reminder, the first public hearing for the Freedom Hunt Outdoor Club Special Exception is tomorrow evening, November 21, 2019 at 7 pm in the Revercomb Building. If you are a King George County resident and would like to attend, we welcome your support at the meeting. Even if you are not a King George resident, PTP would love to have you out to support our FHOC brothers. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to express support and haven't yet, please email your respective Supervisor as well as the At-Large Supervisor (emails provided, below). Be sure to include your name and address in the email, please.

Thank you for your continued interest and support! For a complete description of the plan, please visit:

Jeffrey Bueche, Chairman (James Monroe)

Cathy Binder, Vice-Chairman (Shiloh)

Ruby Brabo, Member (At Large)

Richard Granger, Member (James Madison)

John Jenkins Jr., Member (Dahlgren)



**Update: Tonight I attended a hearing on a proposed campground that included an outdoor shooting range. I was 1 of 3 out of 35 that spoke in favor. That is in inexcusable. So many people in the area have pissed and moaned for years for a facility like this. But no longer, not to me. If you weren't here tonight, do not talk to me about the topic.

Those in support of 2A are piss poor at getting off their asses to do shit to project and protect it. Many of you that will piss/moan didn't vote and won't show up to support this resolution- but those same people are the first ones to bitch and complain when further restrictions are levied against your rights.

Tonight the Planning Commission voted against Freedom Hunt Outdoor Club. Thank you to.the two other supporters than actually showed up tonight, I genuinely appreciate you all taking the time out of your night in an effort to support this potential opportunity coming to our community.

Tonight was very discouraging and I am highly disappointed to say the least.

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