Our membership team is always working to build additional value into what we offer our members and improve their experience. He have been listening to your comments and reading the surveys completed by you all- and several things have become more apparent.
One- we will be holding more free training opportunities just for our PTP-Gun Club Members. Going forward- we will be hosting several outside instructors with varying backgrounds to hold many different courses with multiple focuses.
July 11 & Aug 15: Women Only- Self Defense Basics with Tara Graff

Nov 13/ 14: Vehicle Ambush Tactics course with Matt Watson of TOC

Dec 17: Basic Carbine/Rifle course with Jason McCoy of Redpass Training Solutions
Dec 18: Handgun 1 with Jason McCoy of Redpass Training Solutions
Dec 19: Handgun 2 with Jason McCoy of Redpass Training Solutions

Jan 8 Active Threat Response with Matt Watson of Tactical Operations Consulting
Jan 9 Home Defense with Matt Watson of Tactical Operations Consulting

For these events, please do not register for them unless you truly plan on attending and have in your possession the required gear. To further emphasize this request- there is a required $50 deposit that is ONLY REFUNDED if you attend the specific course you are registering for. Last summer, for example, we flew in Jason McCoy for two back to back offerings of Handgun 1 yet on the second day no one showed up for the course offered free to members- even though we had 15 registered.
These various instructions, as well as our staff, put in a lot of time prepping for and traveling to these events. Jason particularly flies (or one time even drove) in from Utah. If a person is registered in a full class and doesn't show up- that screws over the instructor and fellow PTP-Gun Club members who would of loved the free training. Please, don't be that guy or gal.
Additionally- we will also be scheduling more shotgun clay pigeon shooting events, competition shoots, and the most beloved gun buffets! Ammunition is still more expensive than a corrupt politician but with the help of our friends at JMJ Firearms in Mechanicsville, Maryland- we are working hard to secure the tens of thousands of rounds it requires to put on these types of events regularly.
For these events, you can register by clicking HERE and inputting in the correct password to get to the Members Only event page. Don't have the password- contact Branz at membership@ptpgun.com or call/text 240-925-5788
For those members that have responded to the email recently sent out by Branz, thank you again for your participation and we will be shipping out your new PTP gear (including but not limited to our summer long sleeve) later this month once our next order arrives. This is at no additional cost and is just another way we want to show our gratitude to our valued members!

Not a member yet or looking to return to our PTP-Gun Club? Register HERE