We have had many people calling in and seeking to keep/bear arms, yet they have a past conviction from years ago in the closet that holds them back still.
There is a path forward, there is hope. You can have your rights restored and once again be able to purchase & carry firearms. Yes, even in Maryland
This to a recent student of ours detail a bit of the process he went through, as it may help you or someone you know.
Be sure to subscribe both here to our YouTube and on our Website PTPGun.com as will be posting more videos and blogs on this growing topic of discussion affecting many aspiring gun owners.
Need quality firearms training? Want to carry a handgun in Maryland? Train with the team you trust
Register for training today
Make sure you have total law protection in case you need to use your training. We always say, "Shut up and Lawyer up!" We fully recommend US LawShield. Shop with them here https://www.uslawshield.com/?affid=23fb3953-aab1-11e7-9717-02a900ca3473&fbclid=IwAR344ZsKulLclu_DrYy3Cv1CN92gHd7Xk2cfIpC9wBKEerKUVUayb56Yy50
Support our LGS: Gun Monkey's Armory at
(240) 257-2263
As always, Train. Defend. PREVAIL!
Contact Us
Ryan Gass
Practical Training Professionals
Website: https://www.ptpgun.com/
Phone: 240-925-5788
By Appointment Only
Location: 14901 Westwood Rd,
Brandywine, MD 20613, United States
(By Appointment Only)
Follow Us on Social Media Platforms
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PTPGun
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PTPGun/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ptpgun
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ptpgun/